Lourensford Estate has announced the winners of its year long #SeasonsOfLourensford Instagram competition with Steve Trimby of Somerset West awarded the first place prize worth R5 000 for a stunning image he entered in the Summer category.
“The standard of #SeasonsofLourensford entries was exceptional and it was very difficult to select the winners,” said Koos Jordaan, GM of Lourensford Wines. “Entered into the Summer category, Steve’s winning photograph is of one our of dams and it truly captured the essence and beauty of Lourensford. Steve is an optometrist in Somerset West and clearly has a good eye.”
Trimby @trimbysteve took home the Grand Prize, which includes a one-night stay at Erinvale plus a Lourensford Estate experience, valued at R5 000.
“I was inspired to take my winning #SeasonsofLourensford photograph after enjoying one of the organised hikes at the estate,” says Trimby. “Alistair and Carole Tite were kind enough to take me to the dams at the crack of dawn to set up my tripod and camera, and I was able to capture the showcase of natural Lourensford elements as they were bathed in the early morning sun shine.”
“As a regular visitor to the estate, Lourensford is a very special place for us and we are proud to have this little piece of paradise on our doorstep. There is a plethora of photographic talent in the Helderberg area and this is evident in the finalists’ gallery,” adds Trimby.
His photograph hangs alongside 42 additional images featuring snow-capped mountains, pollinating bees, majestic Proteas, delicate orchard blossoms and buds on the vine, in the inaugural #SeasonsOfLourensford Instagram exhibition, which is on public display in the wine tasting centre at Lourensford Estate through to Easter 2018.
Izak Lyons @redgrapeguy took second place overall and a prize worth R3 000 for his colourful image of Watsonias in bloom announcing the arrival of Spring, which he entered in that season’s category. The third place prize worth R1500 went to Mariette Steyn @joysofm for her shot capturing the brilliant Autumn hues of Lourensford’s iconic avenue, entered in the Autumn category.
The exhibition features a combination of professional and amateur photographers, who were invited to tag @Lourensford. Lourensford selected the best images for each season, reposted them on the @Lourensford Instagram feed and images that received the most votes were declared the winners. A panel of judges selected the three overall winners for the year.
The #SeasonsOfLourensford exhibit showcases how the visual splendour of the 308 year old Estate was transformed across Summer, Autum, Winter and Spring in 2017. It is open Monday to Sunday from 09.00 until 17.00 and entrance is free.